Nine-year-old Caine spent the summer building an elaborate and fantastic arcade out of cardboard boxes from his dad’s auto parts shop in east L.A. Games include basketball hoops, soccer and even a big claw grab machine. He has prizes, tickets and fun passes for playing. Nirvan Mullick happened upon the arcade and was so struck by Caine’s work that he made a short film about it, and organized what turned out to be a massive flashmob of customers for Caine. The flashmob portion of the film is fun and, frankly, a little tear-jerking, but what I really loved was watching Caine work on his various games, shaping them from little more than cardboard and packing tape. Thinking of a kid spending his summer knee deep in innovation, making and playing is the kind of thing that restores my faith in humanity. I’m guessing it will have the same affect on you. [via MAKE]