Even if the brightest light source is back in the direction from whence it came, SunBEAM Seeker Bot will go there. As the name implies, this bot is inspired by BEAM robotics: Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, Mechanics; and specifically inspired by Randy Sargent’s nearly 20-year-old light-following bot design.
It consists of a simple circuit built around the LM386 low-voltage power amplifier combined with a pair of infrared phototransistors, motors, and battery packs. Also taking design elements from Mousey the Junkbot, SunBEAM adds a roller switch that the bot moves along, which also doubles as an off-switch should the bot topple or get knocked over.
Whether you’re interested in analog ICs, low-voltage amplifiers, or simply want to build a bot from common components, SunBEAM Seeker Bot is a great project for beginners and advanced builders alike.
Watch the video below to see it in action and see how simple and fun it is to build. As always, if you build your own or modify any of our beginner-friendly Weekend Projects be sure to send us an email with images and a story of your experience.