Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 370 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Pedal-powered Panzer tank

Pedal-powered Panzer tank


From the MAKE Flickr photo pool, Vin Marshall (Philadelphia, PA) writes: We built an human powered panzer kampwagen III tank...

WiiChuck control of 3D Studio Max


Using Processing, Midi Yoke, Ableton Live and 3D Studio Max Motion Capture Controller, I was able to transmit movement from...

PVC bike cart

PVC bike cart


Instructables slide show of a bicycle trailer made out of PVC pipe and wire rack material. PVC Bike trailer

Mutant vise/clamp tool

Mutant vise/clamp tool


ToolMonger writes: Riddle time: What do you get when you cross a set of vise-grips with a clamp? Answer: A...

LED vacuum tube mod

LED vacuum tube mod


This little tutorial by Jingle Joe shows you how to light thermionic valves (a.k.a. vacuum tubes) with superbright LEDs. Thermionic...

iRobot’s robot mower patent

iRobot’s robot mower patent


In Rodney Brooks’ recommended book Flesh and Machines, he talks about his disappointment over robot lawnmowers. That was five years...

ThingamaKIT build photos

ThingamaKIT build photos


Our pal John Edgar Park has posted photos of his building of the new ThingamaKIT from Bleep Labs.

Sew your own aviation goggles

Sew your own aviation goggles


Patrick Wilson made a template from his father’s WWI aviation goggles and made from it generated his own pair. He...

Instructables’ BBQ PDQ contest

Instructables’ BBQ PDQ contest


In case you didn’t know, Instructables has been running a BBQ/grilling contest. Deadline for entry is July 6, so if...

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