Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 373 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Computer-controlled Airsoft gun

Computer-controlled Airsoft gun


This site has detailed instructions on how to turn a Mini XM-177 Airsoft rifle into a computer-controlled, servo-actuated gun. Robot...

Lamps made from micro-cassettes

Lamps made from micro-cassettes


We found these gorgeous lamps, made from clear-cased micro-cassettes, on Boing Boing Gadgets. This seems like a cool, easy project...

R/C helicopter dragonfly mod


Here’s Crabfu’s latest quick and easy project to add a “dragonfly canopy” to a sub-micro helicopter. I-Wei does complain that...

LED dining table circuit

LED dining table circuit


Today, Evil Mad Scientist Labs releases the circuit diagram for the LED Dining Table project that they, and we, first...

How we made Google Apps Hacks


I’ve been using Google Docs more and more, especially for collaborative work, both at Dorkbot DC and Make: Books. At...

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