Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 374 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Uber Ultraman

Uber Ultraman


Artomatic, the gargantuan art free-for-all (1000 artists!), recently closed in DC. I went five times and never saw all ten...

Robot easter egg

Robot easter egg


Type “about:robots” in Firefox 3.0 to see this little Klaatu barada nikto from our benevolent metallic brethren. [Thanks, Jay!]

More Wiimote monkeying with Johnny Lee


On Johnny Lee’s website, he discusses (and shows video off) his latest computer-human interaction research at Carnegie-Mellon using the Wiimote....

Skateboard windsurfer

Skateboard windsurfer


Here’s a how-to on building a lugsail land surfer that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with steampunk. Steampunk Lugsail Land...

Crabfu’s R/C tortoise


Here’s the amazing Crabfu’s latest creation. In other fu news, I-Wei’s Swashbot3 won Gold Medal for Best of Show at...

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