Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 377 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Wooden bike gallery

Wooden bike gallery


More “cocopunk” goodness, here a round-up of wooden bikes from around the world on Kevin Kelly’s Street Use. Wooden Bikes...

Hops trellis from a tree

Hops trellis from a tree


On EMS Labs, Lenore shows a simple way that her dad rigged a trellis for growing hops, using some scrap...

Giant spider bot walker


Via Suicide Bots comes this amazing mechanical walker with this caption: Giant mechanical spiders take away some of the hurt...

TechShop in the LA Times

TechShop in the LA Times


Congrats to our pals at TechShop for the article about them in yesterday’s LA Times. Since opening in October 2006,...

Displaying audio as light


HacknMod has compiled some how-tos on turning audio in light shows: We’ve got three tutorials to help you learn how...

Mark makes a chicken coop

Mark makes a chicken coop


On Dinosaurs and Robots, our very own Mark Frauenfelder (MAKE Editor-in-Chief) has been documenting his backyard chicken coop build. Building...

Singing Tesla Coils


“ArcAttack” is a “High-Voltage DJ” set up that pumps music through a PA while two Dual-Resonant Solid State Tesla Coils...

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