Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 379 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Flying manta blimp


From Hack a Day: German engineering firm Festo has created this flying manta ray. Dubbed the Air_ray, it’s a balloon...

Steam Driven symphony


While poking around on YouTube, I stumbled upon this video of a steam symphony held at the Brighton Fringe Festival...

Wrex the Dawg robot


RobotsRule has a written and video review of WowWee’s forthcoming Wrex the Dawg, a sort of comic-relief robot that, as...

Make: DC meeting

Make: DC meeting


The next Make: DC meeting will be held this Thursday, June 5th, at Greater Goods, 1626 U Street NW. Start...

TGIMBOEJ has a wiki

TGIMBOEJ has a wiki


Once again the folks at Evil Mad Scientist Labs seemed to have come up with a viral concept. The Great...

Solar lawn mower

Solar lawn mower


This Instructable shows you how to turn a (battery-powered) electric mower into a solar-powered electric mower. Solar lawn mower

Brass Lion recumbent tricycle

Brass Lion recumbent tricycle


Check out this cool steampunk-ified three-wheel recumbent trike. Love the lantern headlights. Ladies And Gentlemen, I Present The Brass Lion!...

Review of Small Form Factor PCs

Review of Small Form Factor PCs


Todd Weiss, of Computerworld, has a nice review of Make: Books’ Small Form factor PCs, recently released at Maker Faire:...

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