Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 395 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Little 8 beginner bot

Little 8 beginner bot


Let’s Make Robots! has a how-to on making a funky little robot, not much bigger than a 9v battery, built...

Segway muscle transport


File this one under: Why? (Maybe so that you won’t look as much like an extra in Logan’s Run while...

Joule Thief goes “steampunk”


The Joule Thief madness continues, here used in a project to power an “on phone” status light/headset hook. Steampunk Headset...

Dean Kamen on Colbert Report


Here’s the video of last night’s Colbert Report with Dean Kamen talking about his vapor compression distiller. The Colbert Report

Teeny Turner tool

Teeny Turner tool


From Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools: The small size and stubby shape of this cheap driver allows me to reach tight...

More Joule Thief fun

More Joule Thief fun


I love all of the wacky things people are doing with Joule Thief projects. Here, MAKE Flickr Pool member rhonea...

Tethered racing cars

Tethered racing cars


On Dinosaurs + Robots, Mister Jalopy wrote about this sweet 1940s gas-powered model racer: Starting in the 1920’s, well before...

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