Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 404 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Kinetic Steam Works on BBtv


The folks at Kinetic Steam Works show Xeni around the shop in this latest issue of BBtv. Kinetic Steam Works:...

USB “spy” telescope


Here’s a basic digital telescope (better suited to observing the neighbors than neighboring planets) built from an old webcam and...

“Piniature” Kalimba

“Piniature” Kalimba


Kalimba hacker Yapruder, whose work we’ve blogged about before, continues to push the thumb piano envelope with this teeny-weeny number...

Etched glass LED door

Etched glass LED door


Think of it as a 21st century take on ’70s van art, for your dining room. Modding my apartment. (Making...

Wind power for kids

Wind power for kids


From Geekdad: The KidWind Project is run out of Michael Arquin’s basement in St. Paul, MN, and is all about...

Dark Knight trailer in LEGOs


Wonderful video reenactment of the Batman Dark Knight trailer in LEGOs. The Dark Knight Trailer IN LEGO!!! – Link

Optical Geiger Counter

Optical Geiger Counter


We were discussing this very issue (NYC’s move to crack down on air monitors without a permit and all the...

The Bamboo Bike Project

The Bamboo Bike Project


The Bamboo Bike Project is a collaboration between scientists and engineers at The Earth Institute at Columbia University and a...

Light as jewelry

Light as jewelry


Kyeok Kim is an artist, jeweler and metalworker who’s created these amazing pieces of jewelry that project patterns onto the...

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