Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 407 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

DIY Applesauce

DIY Applesauce


Why I love the interwebs, reason #58,375 DIY Applesauce – Link

Rayguns from lamp shades


Personally, I find the Indy Mogul/Backyard FX videos a lot of smoke with little heat or fire, but YMMV. Here...

Instructables LED contest

Instructables LED contest


LED Throwies were published here on on Feb. 14, 2006 by Q-Branch of the GRL. This simple, elegant project...

Pink superbright LEDs

Pink superbright LEDs


The Evil Mad Science shop has 10 mm diffused pink superbright LEDs just in time for Valentine’s Day project because:...

The Kenny G Eliminator

The Kenny G Eliminator


Gorgeous steampunky flint-lock blaster made from a clarinet, a bike brake grip and a few other bits of mech-fluff. While...

Mechanical animals

Mechanical animals


We’ve covered Chris Conte’s bio-mech art in the past. Wired has put up a nice gallery of his work with...

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