Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 409 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Dorkbot Pittsburgh January Meeting

Dorkbot Pittsburgh January Meeting


J. Eric Townsend writes: dorkbot pittsburgh: January 24, 2008, 7:30-9:30pm dorkbot pittsburgh meets upstairs at Brillobox, the event is open...

LED Cube from Make: DC/Dorkbot DC workshop

01/19/2008 We didn’t get a chance to finish our LED Cubes at the Make: DC/Dorkbot DC workshop in the...

Brian and Joel geek out with XO

Brian and Joel geek out with XO


MAKE editor and Hackziner Brian Jepson recently met up with Joel Evans of Like any geeks worth their root...

Card-playing hamster

Card-playing hamster


From v*i*d*a lab: This project proposes to incorporate more meaningfully the life of hamsters, a pet usually kept marginalized in...

Dorkbot DC/Make: DC event wrap-up

Dorkbot DC/Make: DC event wrap-up


The first Dorkbot DC/Make: DC project event was held on Wednesday at the Marian Koshland Science Museum in Northwest DC....

LEGO robotics gumball sorter


Here’s a nifty MINDSTORMS NXT-based bot that can sort gumballs by their color, using the HiTechnic NXT Color Sensor. LEGO...

Robot catapult


An industrial robot turned into a bowling ball-heaving catapult. RoboPult – [via] Link

Bristlebot racing snail

Bristlebot racing snail


Those mad hatters over at Evil Mad Scientist Labs have been at it again. After Windell wowed us with his...

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