Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 410 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Rubber band super gun


Sayeth the builder: Forget the rubber band Gatling gun. The DISINTEGRATOR is the most incredible rubber band gun ever built,...

Cigar box universal battery

Cigar box universal battery


This radio ham built a universal battery box out of a cigar box to power his tube projects. Build a...

Poormaker’s test probes

Poormaker’s test probes


This poor bastard couldn’t even afford seven bucks for a cheesy pair of DMM test probes, so he replaced his...

Paper cuts that smart in a good way

Paper cuts that smart in a good way


Mind-blowing paper cut art from Brooklyn-based artist Kako Ueda. Kako Euda, Artist – [Thanks, Patti!] Link Related: Plasma-cut lace art...

Jake von Slatt’s RV


MAKE pal Jake von Slatt gives us a video tour of his refurbished Thomas school bus, with much of the...

Giant online parts catalog

Giant online parts catalog


Boing Boing Gadgets points us to this story in the NYTimes about a consumer electronics/appliance parts broker that also has...

Whiteboard sun dial

Whiteboard sun dial


A different kind of wall clock. Autodesk Labs Sun Dial for a Green Clock – [via] Link

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