Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 419 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Super-symmetrical Symet

Super-symmetrical Symet


Bumped into this while poking around YouTube. An exemplary build of a Trimet BEAMbot, as covered in my BEAM projects...

Homebrewed hot tub

Homebrewed hot tub


A wood-fired hot tub made from a large storage container, an LP gas bottle, stainless steel tubing, polystyrene packing material,...

Laser-cut lamp

Laser-cut lamp


Instructable on designing a lamp for sending to the Ponoko personal manufacturing service. How to make a laser cut lamp...

Los Alamos’ Black Hole

Los Alamos’ Black Hole


Mark of Boing Boing writes: Coudal Partners has posted part one of a five-part documentary about the famous “Black Hole”...

Understanding Arduino Interrupts


uC Hobby has a piece up on the use of interrupt routines in Ardunio programming: Often when working on microcontroller...

Nixie wall clock

Nixie wall clock


Nifty wall-mounted nixie tube clock posted to the MAKE Flickr Pool. Nixie Clock III – Link

Charming components

Charming components


I love jewelry and art objects made out of electronic components. Here are some really sweet robot charms made mainly...

Motion-triggered paintball gun


Rather roughshod tutorial (e.g. I think he gets his wires crossed) on adding a motion detector trigger to a paintball...

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