Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 424 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Musical Caps Lock prank

Musical Caps Lock prank


How to wire a greeting card sound chip to a keyboard key on a mark’s computer. Hilarity (or an ass-whipping)...

Inside Mister Jalopy’s garage


MAKE editor-in-chief Mark Frauenfelder continues his propagandizing of all things Maker Media (go Mark!) over on Boing Boing TV. Today,...

EL soldering basics

EL soldering basics


This Instructable gives you the skinny on soldering electroluminescent (EL) wire. How to Solder EL (Electroluminescent) Wire – Link Related:...

Solaroller tractor pull


Oddly compelling slow-mo tractor pull with two BEAM solarollers. Solaroller Tractor Pull – Link

Robots at Maker Faire Austin


On today’s episode of Boing Boing TV, MAKE editor-in–chief Mark Frauenfelder looks at some of the venerable Robot Group’s contribution...

Tic-Tac-Toe with RGB LEDs


Here’s a nifty electronic tic-tac-toe machine made with RGB LEDs and two microcontrollers (the AVR Mega16 and Mega8). Electronic Tic-Tac-Toe...

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