Sam Freeman, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Latest from Sam Freeman

Blocky Labyrinth

Blocky Labyrinth


Labyrinth games are fun, and you can build one as easy or as difficult to beat as you want. Technically it’s...

Rola Bola Balance Board

Rola Bola Balance Board


Balance board is wonderful. We’ve based this build on the Howtoons‘ Rola Bola project from MAKE Volume 08 [viewable here]. The Rola Bola is...

Raspberry Pirate Radio

Raspberry Pirate Radio


A simple hack that turns a Raspberry Pi into an FM transmitter with a 100 meter range.

Hauntbox Prop Controller

Hauntbox Prop Controller


The barrier between the average Joe and a fully automated haunted house just got lowered.

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