
Knitted Labyrinth Rug

What a bright spot this labyrinth rug would be on my floor! The pattern is available in the book One Skein, by Leigh Radford. From the book: When I lived in San Francisco, I liked to walk the labyrinths at Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church. Intended to encourage reflection, the spiral walks – one inside, one […]

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John Fluevog Needs Crafters!

I have absolutely adored John Fluevog shoes since I first discovered the ultra stylistic footwear in the 80s during a trip to Vancouver. Now there’s one more thing to love about them – they are calling on crafters to help fill their new vending machine! From their site: You remember the phone booth in Dr. […]

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Crafters, Hackers, and Hackerspaces

Crafters, Hackers, and Hackerspaces

Where visions of crafting often conjure up images of glue guns, popsicle sticks, fabric and looms, hacking evokes soldering irons, microprocessors, and software. Truth is, there’s a lot of similarities between hacking and crafting, and even more to be gained from a dialogue between both groups of makers. Both hackers and crafters feel the same need to create things and manipulate materials, and have very similar basic requirements: access to equipment, space to work, and a supportive community within which to grow and share projects and ideas.

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