Maker News

From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!

Plane Spotting (And More!): Put your spare gear to use as a feeder for community-based data exchanges

Plane Spotting (And More!): Put your spare gear to use as a feeder for community-based data exchanges

If you’ve ever used a flight-tracking app or looked up local weather on Weather Underground, you’ve likely accessed data supplied, in part, by volunteer contributors. Crowd-sourced data exchanges collect this information and share the pooled results online via interactive maps. The data ranges from radio-signal telemetry for airplanes, ships, weather balloons, or satellites, to seismic measurements, to air […]

How to Track a Shark

How to Track a Shark

When scientists tracked great white sharks to a mysterious mid-Pacific hangout, they nicknamed it the White Shark Café — are they eating, or meeting? What’s going on out there? Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA) researcher Dr. Sal Jorgensen wanted eyes on the scene, so he and engineer Thomas Maughan at sister institution MBARI developed a Shark […]

The Professional Repairer Trap: We are all Geniuses. Don’t let the corporations tell you otherwise

The Professional Repairer Trap: We are all Geniuses. Don’t let the corporations tell you otherwise

For years, my organization, U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group), has been campaigning with iFixit,, and a plucky team of repair shops, makers, and hackers to pass laws that guarantee access to what people need to fix modern gizmos, specifically the parts, tools, and service information. We’ve had “right to repair” bills in 40 of 50 […]

Review: Wacom One

Review: Wacom One

Manufacturer: Wacom URL: (editor’s note 11/15/22: I just got an email with Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals, valid through November 17th to the 28th which give you $150 off the wacom One.) Price: $399 Features Here are the tech specs from their website: ● 13.3 inch display● 1920×1080 reolution● battery free pen● tilt recognition● android compatability● 4096 levels of […]