Maker News

From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!

Expect to Be Destroyed

Expect to Be Destroyed

My first experience with combat robotics ended exactly as I expected: in complete destruction. It was 2016. A friend of mine, Leanne Cushing, competes on BattleBots, and she suggested I join her for a combat robotics competition in Massachusetts. Not knowing much of anything about robots in general, or combat robots specifically, I built two bots […]

Know Your Combat Robots! A Field Guide to Competition Weight Classes and Weapons

Know Your Combat Robots! A Field Guide to Competition Weight Classes and Weapons

The combat robotics community spreads across the entire world, with major competitions happening on almost every continent. Combat robots are divided into different weight classes based on the robot’s overall weight, and within those classes an amazing number of weapon types are possible. In this guide we’ll introduce you to all of the most important […]