Turning a Broken Terracotta Pot Shard into a Lovely Flower Pendant
Bobby Duke transforms a hunk of broken flower pot into a unique piece of pendant jewelry.
As makers, we are blessed with fascinating ways to create unique pieces of artwork or sculptures from scratch. From working with traditional methods like wood carving and metalworking to utilizing emerging technologies like 3D printing and laser cutting, there is an endless array of possibilities for makers to explore. They are continuously breathing life into breathtaking creations that make us all stand back in awe. Let’s take a look at some recent developments in what makers around the world have been creating lately – be sure not to miss out on their incredible artwork!
Bobby Duke transforms a hunk of broken flower pot into a unique piece of pendant jewelry.
Behold this 28-foot Millennium Falcon that hovers over the roof of a neighborhood home. It’s impressive…most impressive.
José Manuel Castro López accomplishes the seemingly impossible: sculpting stone to look like soft putty or liquid.
William Kang designed his own unique way of celebrating the release of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
In Upstate New York, the Rochester Mini Maker Faire will be kicking off their fourth event this Saturday. Don’t miss it!
By bending the leads of LEDs, you can make easily sewable lights that actually look kind of cool on their own.
Chuan-Li Chang took her and her boyfriend’s posters that they had collected from multiple events and framed them as a collage.