MIDI-controlled circuit bent telephone modem
Highly liquid points to this awesome MIDI-controlled circuit bent telephone modem – what a great use for an old modem, there are millions of them just getting tossed… laboratory fermicirrus – [via] Link.
Take your creations beyond the workshop and onto the stage with diy music instruments! Let us show you how these creations range from simple, basic setups that produce beautiful sounds to more complex projects that require a greater level of engineering knowledge. With these tutorials and examples, we’ll guide you on this journey to make your own musical instrument for experimental, artistic or everyday use – so whether you’re starting out new or a seasoned sound creator, come explore the wonderful world of making your own music.
Highly liquid points to this awesome MIDI-controlled circuit bent telephone modem – what a great use for an old modem, there are millions of them just getting tossed… laboratory fermicirrus – [via] Link.
Jörgen has some amazing homebuilt synths with brass mechanics… A large part of the work in building a modular synthesizer is in the mechanics.This is also where many home-built instruments fall short of the commercial ones. I wanted my synthesizer to look as good as a commercial one, or hopefully even better. Mechanics isn’t just […]
Outstanding, here are the schematics for a gas mask circuit bend & voice bending project – [via] – Link.
Chris writes in looking for a bit of help for his dumpster procured Electone E-50 – I found this Electone E-50 in a dumpster, and it mostly works! As you can see, the pedal board is missing, but the metal tabs that allow for interfacing are still there. Anyway, I want to hack this thing […]
Critter And Guitari is quickly becoming a new favorite daily stop… Carl Sagan color wheels – Link. Video intercoms – Link. TV boxes – Link. More – Link.
The first in a monthly series of performances and installations at LEMURplex is off to an excellent start, congrats to everyone at LEMURplex! Photos from the event – Link. Video (YouTube) – Link. TRANZDUCER – Link. TRANZDUCER – Performances and installations at LEMURplex, Brooklyn, NY- Link.
Don’t think I’d buy these, but it would be fun to do a re-make and do you own… “These Lightweight, collapsible speakers are portable and can be folded away and placed in the included pouch when not in use. Plug them into your personal stereo’s headphone jack to enjoy quality sound. The name “MUJI” is […]