Digital Fabrication

Digital fabrication tools have revolutionized the way designers, engineers, and artisans express their creativity. With the right resources, you can learn to use these powerful instruments in no time! Whether it’s 3D printing or laser cutting that interests you, these articles will provide useful tutorials and inspiration for makers of all levels. Discover how digital fabrication can open up new possibilities so that your craftsmanship is truly extraordinary!

Dyeing fabjects with Rit

Dyeing fabjects with Rit

Jonathan Barclay of Twin Cities Maker has been experimenting with dyeing the output of our MakerBot using Rit dye, a cheap crockpot, and a microwave. Twin Cities Maker ordered 5 lbs of white abs along with our makerbot. I’m aware that the MakerBot Store currently sells colored abs, but 5 lbs of white is nearly […]

Cardboard irising peephole model

Cardboard irising peephole model

Boing Boing’s Cory Doctorow picked up my post yesterday about Christopher Schaie’s gorgeous brass and wood irising door peephole, and within a few hours one of his fans made a cardboard replica and presented it to him, in person, at a book-signing. And then Cory blogged the replica. All within the space of 24 hours. The internet is an amazing thing.