Digital Fabrication

Digital fabrication tools have revolutionized the way designers, engineers, and artisans express their creativity. With the right resources, you can learn to use these powerful instruments in no time! Whether it’s 3D printing or laser cutting that interests you, these articles will provide useful tutorials and inspiration for makers of all levels. Discover how digital fabrication can open up new possibilities so that your craftsmanship is truly extraordinary!

DIY cleanroom on a budget

DIY cleanroom on a budget

When Bill from I Heart Robotics decided he wanted a cleanroom, he did what any self-respecting maker would do — he built one from scratch. First, he put together a budget lab bench/enclosure from heavy duty MDF shelving. Next, he 3D printed some endcaps to couple a dust filter to a PC cooling fan. Finally, he used a shower curtain to close off the front.

3D printing stackable girders

RepRapper Forrest Higgs designed an interlocking beamed structure that could be 3D printed — thus advancing the RepRap’s stated purpose of someday being able to print new RepRaps. Currently much of the support structure cannot be printed. But what if printable girders could be stacked on top of each other? Higgs’ project may not be […]

Design a 3D-printable mousetrap

Design a 3D-printable mousetrap

Cathal Garvey’s proposing a mousetrap design challenge: I have a problem. There lives in my house a tiny mouse, and as I am friend to all animals I wish him no harm. The live mousetrap I tried didn’t work: crafty mouse escaped it repeatedly. I also invented a few wacky methods involving pitfalls, narrow bottles […]

Dremel attachment for MakerBot

Dremel attachment for MakerBot

The correct name for the MakerBot 3D printer is the Cupcake CNC, suggesting that all sorts of attachments could be substituted for the usual plastruder — in this case, Andrew “Clothbot” Plumb created an assembly out of some makerbotted connectors and a length of MakerBeam, allowing the mounting of the business end of a Dremel […]