
The latest DIY ideas, experiments and demonstrations in health science including at-home diagnostics and healing.

Open BCI: Rise of the Brain-Computer Interface

Open BCI: Rise of the Brain-Computer Interface

During this summer’s Digital Revolution exhibition at London’s Barbican Museum, a small brainwave-influenced game sat sandwiched between Lady Gaga’s Haus of Gaga and Google’s DevArt booth. It was Not Impossible Labs’ Brainwriter installation, which combined Tobii eye tracking and an OpenBCI Electroencephalography (EEG) device to allow players to shoot laser beams at virtual robots with […]

Makers Against Ebola – Personal Protection Equipment

Makers Against Ebola – Personal Protection Equipment

Since contracting Ebola can only happen when people come in contact with infected fluids, caregivers need to be protected. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) are actually the solution but current PPE come with drawbacks. Improving PPE is a major goal of Fighting Ebola and it’s one area where makers can have an impact. What follows is an introduction to PPE because we can’t improve […]

Makers Against Ebola – The Missions

Makers Against Ebola – The Missions

How are makers supposed to contribute to Fighting Ebola: A Grand Challenge for Development? This high-urgency initiative against Ebola is focused around four missions. They’re not centered around medical science but around the healthcare worker, their ability to provide care and stop the spread of the disease. As you’ll see, these are areas where we makers can […]

Makers Against Ebola – The Virus

Makers Against Ebola – The Virus

Why are so many people getting sick if Ebola is not very contagious? How are makers supposed to get involved and make a difference? We need to understand fundamentals about Ebola if we’re going to help with Fighting Ebola. Let’s start with a little background on the disease. The current epidemic is the Zaire strain […]