
The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for the kitchen, garage and backyard from food to furniture to fun & games for your family.

Water Purifier with Clay, a Compliant Cow and a Match

Water Purifier with Clay, a Compliant Cow and a Match

A handful of clay, yesterday’s coffee grounds and some cow manure: the ingredients that could bring clean, safe drinking water to much of the third world. The simple new technology, developed by [Australia National University] materials scientist Mr. Tony Flynn, allows water filters to be made from commonly available materials and fired on the ground using cow manure as the source of heat, without the need for kiln. The filters have been tested and shown to remove common pathogens including E-coli. Via BoingBoing. Link.

NES Emulator for PSP

NES Emulator for PSP

Psp Infones Emulator
Add a NES emulator to the growing list of hardware you can emulate on a PSP. But this is for the 1.0 version of the PSP which was on the early units in Japan and now Ebay. So for now, there’s only a handful of folks that can run these emulators and homebrew games, but there’s a lot of effort being put in to this and soon we’ll see emulator and other apps for our 1.5 PSP units. Via Waxy. Link.

PlayStation 3 Specs vs Xbox 360 specs

PlayStation 3 Specs vs Xbox 360 specs

Today Sony announced the new PlayStation 3 IGN has the specs here. Last week was the Xbox 360 (specs here). Both impressive devices, I’m more excited about the millions of “old” Xboxes and PS2 out in the wild and how they’ll find new uses in the hands of Makers. For under $50 (eBay, etc..) you’ll be able to get an amazing system to do a ton of projects- we’ll of course have them here and in the magazine.

Humans, Chess and DVDs

Humans, Chess and DVDs

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This week 8 years ago, the humans lost the chess battle to Deep Blue. I netflixed “Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine” a great documentary on Kasparov’s Chess match with IBM (he lost, but they’ve yet to rematch) but noticed Netflix branded the DVD as well as watermarking the menu system. Is this a new way netflix will cut down on the “Netflix project” – an effort to copy of 25k DVDs. Or is Netflix Longtailing DVDs becomming a distributer for independent films? Photos of the DVD and menu here. IBM, how about open sourcing Deep Blue, it’s been 8 years. We’d love to do a DIY chess supercomputer for MAKE.

Vinyl Video

Vinyl Video

Cedcompare Kempa.com has a great overview of video on vinyl and the history of getting videos on all sorts of discs. In fact, there was a ‘format war’ of sorts that broke out amongst companies encoding video onto grooved discs, well before the VHS / Beta wars were waged. CED’s appear to have been the dominant iteration of this technology, though I’ve found reference to a number of similarly imagined formats, including VHD videodisc system, Magnavision/DiscoVision, phonovid and y. Link.

Digital Audio Cables

Digital Audio Cables

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Mini review: The $20 Griffin XpressCable digital audio cable for Airport Express is nice- if your looking to get the best quality audio from your AE (or iMac G5) to your stereo (with Toslink/Optical inputs) this worked out for me and it’s about half the price than the Monster cable version. Of course the other fun thing to do is to point a laser at it for science experiments. Link.

Demo-casting the DS at E3

Demo-casting the DS at E3

Waxy points to story about how Nintendo will be beaming demos wirelessly at E3. I don’t think there’s time to do a project around this before next week, but by next year we’ll likely have the ability to broadcast homebrew games, content and all sorts of things- for the DS and maybe the PSP depending on how all the hacks keep going. It could be a bit of war of the signals DIY vs demoware… Link.