Maker News

From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!

Fashioning Technology Smart Materials Kit

If you’ve ever thought about expanding your crafting horizons by trying out some of the new high tech materials available to us today, like photochromatic inks, polymorph plastic, and conductive thread, you should definitely check out Syuzi Pakhchyan’s Fashioning Technology book. This DIY intro to smart crafting is an invaluable resource that walks you through the materials and tools you can use, gives technical primers on everything from LEDs to soldering to troubleshooting, and then offers 12 innovative projects of wearables, home goods, and toys you can make.