Energy & Sustainability

If you’re a maker just starting out your journey in sustainability, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to get started. From understanding the types of materials to utilize, learning what steps will help reduce waste and emissions, and finding inspiring new ways to explore creativity that don’t have a negative environmental impact. The good news is there are plenty of resources available for DIYers looking for ways to make their projects more sustainable – from simple switches you can make today, big-picture ideas for longterm change, or exciting new ways makers are helping push sustainability into the future. In these blog posts we’ll look at tips tricks and ideas specifically tailored towards diyers and makers on the road to creating projects with greater eco consciousness so that not only will you create something beautiful but also respect its impact on our planet!

This Week in Making: A Zelda Ocarina, Robotic Darts, and Pi…Pie?

This Week in Making: A Zelda Ocarina, Robotic Darts, and Pi…Pie?

This week in making we saw the start of The 2017 Hackaday Project, the creation of a real Ocarina, the best Pi, and a cheating dartboard.

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Dara Dotz on Applying Maker Skills to Disaster Areas

Dara Dotz on Applying Maker Skills to Disaster Areas

Field Ready is a nonprofit that applies maker skills in disaster areas and communities of need. Read on for co-founder Dara Dotz’ advice on what to do, how to solve problems, and what’s next for humanitarian aid.

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5 Labs That Use 3D Printing for Biohacking Projects

When it comes to fabricating with cells, these groups are leading the charge with DIY bioprinters and innovative methods.

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The MakeShift Challenge: Stay Alive in a Bank Vault

The MakeShift Challenge: Stay Alive in a Bank Vault

By their very nature, vaults are completely sealed shut. Would you have enough oxygen to survive inside a bank vault for 2 days?

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The MakeShift Challenge: Save a Farm from Drought

The MakeShift Challenge: Save a Farm from Drought

A small family farm in Mexico is going under due to drought conditions. You decide to help. But how?

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Open Sourcing Plans for “Low-Tech, High-Thinking” Water Filters

Open Sourcing Plans for “Low-Tech, High-Thinking” Water Filters

OHorizons works on providing access to clean drinking water by teaching local communities to build and maintain their own water filtration systems.

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