
As the preeminent tool for makers, Arduino is a versatile platform that covers almost every type of creative making. With its simple-to-use coding language and fun programming concepts, Arduino enables users to create modern electronics with ease. From beginner level projects like flashing LED lights to more advanced builds such as interactive robots, there are an endless number of possibilities when it comes to building projects with Arduino. Whether you are new or an experienced builder in search of fresh ideas, these posts will provide interesting Arduino tutorials and unique ideas that may spark your creativity and motivate you take on any type of maker project!

Upgrade your Arduino projects

Upgrade your Arduino projects

Ladyada writes– Running out of space in your big Arduino project? Good news! Finally, after months of backorders, one can now buy the latest improvement to the ‘ATmega8′ line of chips: the ATmega328’s. The ‘328 has 32K of flash, and 2K of SRAM. Basically its got the capacity of an ATmega32 but in a slimmer […]

New ZigBee sports ARM architecture

New ZigBee sports ARM architecture

This ZigBee radio module has a 32-Bit ARM Processor and its architecture reduces component amounts on the PCB which ultimately reduces power consumption and the overall cost of these efficient modules. This package needs an external crystal and there’s room for an optional 50 Ohm antenna as well. The two onboard ADCs and 8 general […]

ReleShield for Arduino

ReleShield for Arduino

You might remember Mau and his Flush-O-Matic that I wrote about a while back. He sent me his latest work called the ReleShield. It’s a relay shield for the Arduino that allows you to control high voltage appliances. No word on kits yet. This is a prototype for use Arduino protoshield and a few other […]

BUG on Arduino action

BUG on Arduino action

Brian writes- Using the VonHippel module and a simple c program compiled for the ARM, BUG can talk to the Arduino (in the picture, the USB cable and USB to serial chip on the breadboard are probably superfluous as the VonHippel has serial on it). Interesting and inevitable, an open source hardware project (Arduino) talking […]