Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the perfect way for makers to get creative and use technology to solve problems. It’s easier now than ever before to connect physical devices in our world with the internet; from appliances that can be remotely monitored and controlled, healthcare monitoring systems, wearables, home security systems and more. By connecting things like this together, it lets us access data in ways that have never been possible before – such as checking how much energy an appliance uses or controlling lights in a room via your phone all over the world. In these blog posts, we cover everything you need to know about IoT: what it is, the benefits of using it and even some inspiring projects and tutorials so you can start taking advantage of its potential!

Bright Idea: Using Raspberry Pi as a Lamp Timer

The following is an excerpt from Getting Started with Raspberry Pi by Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace.  Let’s say you’re leaving for a long vacation early tomorrow morning and you want to ward off would-be burglars from your home. A lamp timer is a good deterrent, but hardware stores are closed for the night and you […]

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The Emergence of the Connected City

The Emergence of the Connected City

If the modern city is a symbol for randomness — even chaos — the city of the near future is shaping up along opposite metaphorical lines. The urban environment is evolving rapidly, and amodel is emerging that is more efficient, more functional, more — connected, in a word. This will affect how we work, commute, and […]

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The Trouble with Things

The Trouble with Things

In ten years’ time, every piece of clothing you own, every piece of jewellery you wear, and every thing you carry with you will be measuring, weighing and calculating your life. In ten years, the world—your world—will be full of sensors. But there’s a problem.

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All This Week: The Connected Home, the Internet of Things, and a Contest!

All This Week: The Connected Home, the Internet of Things, and a Contest!

Monday, Feb. 3, MAKE kicks off a week of projects, news, articles, and inspiration all about the “connected home”, how the Internet of Things and smart appliances are connecting us in new ways to where where we live, eat, and sleep. We’ll also be running a contest for the best connected home project.

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