Stuff We Like

DIY Graffiti Projector

DIY Graffiti Projector

“Guerrilla projection, pioneered by artists and advertisers, has been increasingly embraced by activists in recent years as a new medium for delivering messages. The advantages are obvious: With a single high-powered projector, you can turn the side of a building into a huge advertisement for your cause, plastering your message on a spot that would […]

Don’t Drop Your Bot! A Fresh Take On A Classic Game

Don’t Drop Your Bot! A Fresh Take On A Classic Game

Here’s a classic skill-and-action game updated for you to make and play. You and your opponent each start your robot at the top of the playfield. Use the skewers to hang your bot in place. Ready, set, go! Race to remove and replace the skewers one by one to lower your bot down, down, down … […]