Basic Stamp

Basic Stamp is a hobbyists microcontoller that uses the BASIC programming language. Here’s a primer on how to use it. After meeting Joe Grand, I became really interested in the Basic Stamp , made by Parallax. It’s a microcontroller that you can program using BASIC. The robotics applications for it look fantastic (check out this Toddler Robot.) I’d love to hear from anyone who has been using Basic Stamp and would like to write a story about it for MAKE.

300 in 1 kit…

300in1.jpgOn page 184 of issue 01 in our toolbox section contributer Mister Jalopy has one of my favorite electronic kits featured. The Elenco 300 in 1 Electronic Project Lab. Usually, about 3 or 4 times a week I receive an email or IM from someone who wants to get started in electronics and I always point them towards this kit. Solderless breadboard, all the wires resistors and capacitors you’ll need to get started along with some fun projects. I found one here for $59.99 and they’re also at many Target stores. Here’s mine, I think there are some “extra” projects you can do with these too…