Search Results for: tag your green

21 - 40 of 55 results

Maker Pioneers: Kurt Fleischer


Here is the latest in our Make: Shorts video series, covering “Maker Pioneers,” inventors, entrepreneurs, makers, who are dreaming up...

Crochet Hubcap Flowers


I love these crochet hubcap flowers from artist Julie Kornblum. They are so fun and unexpected, and prove you can...

Crafty Christmas Decor and More


Dollar Store Crafts has lots of really great, reader-submitted holiday decorating ideas, including these two that really piqued my interest....

Recycled Camera Lens Jewelry


Photography buffs, prepare to swoon at this collection of gorgeous cuffs that are fashioned from recycled camera lenses by Australian...

ReMake the holiday party

ReMake the holiday party


RePlayGround turn scrappy materials and other urban detritus into wonderful upcycled projects and products. This Sunday, from 3-6pm, they’ll be...

Beautiful Recycled Wrapping Ideas


Last year I wrapped all my Christmas presents in proof sheets from MAKE and CRAFT magazines. The gifts looked surprisingly...

Maker Pioneers: Limor Fried


Here is the third installment of our series of Make: Shorts covering “Maker Pioneers,” inventors, entrepreneurs, makers who are dreaming...

Maker Pioneers: Saul Griffith


Have you checked out our Green Projects Contest site yet? We’re off to a fine start with some clever, fun...

Upcycled Gift Wrapping


By Vanessa Coppola The holidays are here, presents are bought (unless you are a procrastinator like me), and now the...

Afloat on the Boggsville Boatel

Afloat on the Boggsville Boatel


A few years later, the Neutrinos drifted into Port Isabel, Texas where a 19 year-old college dropout named Constance Hockaday...

Cork Monograms


I have monograms on the mind and came across this unique spin on the idea using recycled wine corks on...

21 - 40 of 55 results

Ready to dive into the realm of hands-on innovation? This collection serves as your passport to an exhilarating journey of cutting-edge tinkering and technological marvels, encompassing 15 indispensable books tailored for budding creators.