Month: May 2005

DIY: Wireless Weatherproof Outdoor Camera Rig

DIY: Wireless Weatherproof Outdoor Camera Rig

cam.jpgThis is a pretty sweet looking project- Mavromatic has made a DIY weatherproof outdoor camera rig to take time-lapse photos of a house being built using an Axis Cam, Linksys WET11 and a super circuits heated camera enclosure. As an added bonus the entire neighborhood got free wifi, part II of the article is supposed to be up next week. Link.

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Widget Hacks

Widget Hacks

phone.jpgHere’s how you change the Phone Book Widget on Apple’s new Mac OS X Tiger to use Google Maps instead- Hes Nikke on macoshints says…“Mapquest is an aging mapping system and doesn’t fit in with the new shinyness in Tiger. Thats why I made the phone book widget use Google Maps instead”. Link.

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Kegerator Construction

Kegerator Construction

keg.jpgIt’s starting to get warmer out, and beer drinking Makers will soon be hacking up all sorts of ways to keep the brews cold. Here’s a classic article that Saul sent over. You’ll need a Keg of beer, full CO2 cylinder, tower conversion kit and a chest freezer. Post up other plans and articles if you have some favorite ones. Link.

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Bottle Opener ring

Bottle Opener ring

ring.jpgI tend to like multi-function jewelry, I had an iButton ring to start my car awhile back which was a lot of fun, anyway if you’re not in to DIY Kegerators here’s the bottle opener ring. This is a stainless steel finger gizmo performs an essential service in the party season: the stylish Ring Thing is a handy little bottle opener. Only $10. Link.

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