Arduino Uno

The Smart Greenhouse

The Smart Greenhouse

The Smart Greenhouse is based on the vision of a greenhouse that would not rely on any human adjustment while maintaining a perfect micro-climate for a particular crop being cultivated inside. In other words, ideally this greenhouse could be left for a year in any (reasonable) climate and the seeds that were meant to grow […]

Labyrinth Video Game

Labyrinth Video Game

This guide will teach you how to build and program your own accelerometer controlled maze game. It does assume a basic knowledge of soldering, breadboards, and programming in Arduino. by the end of this guide you should be able to make your own maze by editing the code and then solve it by tilting your […]

Arduino-Controlled Night Light

Arduino-Controlled Night Light

Using a light sensor, some wire, and LEDs you can easily create an automatic night light that will turn on when you turn off the lights.

Connect an Arduino to a  Bluetooth Serial Module

Connect an Arduino to a $7 Bluetooth Serial Module

The Arduino microcontroller board is a fantastic starting point for electronic and physical computing projects. As the standard Arduino board does not offer any wireless connection, such as WLAN or Bluetooth, this project shows how to easily connect a $7 Bluetooth serial module to your Arduino. The Bluetooth serial module enables your microcontroller board to […]

Using an Arduino to Process Fire Dept. Tones

Using an Arduino to Process Fire Dept. Tones

I’m on the volunteer fire dept. in my town and as such, like to keep tabs on when neighboring towns are dispatched. I came up with the idea to make a large map of my area and put an LED in each town that would light up when they get called out. To do this […]

Making a CO2/GPS logger powered by a bike dynamo

Making a CO2/GPS logger powered by a bike dynamo

You will learn how to: Power a circuit with a bike dynamo Get CO2 and GPS sensor data Communicate using a GSM module Set up a database and log data using PHP/MySQl Bring this all together using an Arduino microcontroller