
Pagan Eggcraft

Pagan Eggcraft

There’s magic in your fridge or at least the makings of it. There, behind the OJ, there’s a carton of Grade A power objects. (Alright, so at the moment they’re just eggs, but with your help they could be so much more!) Turns out, what we’ve come to know as “Ukrainian Easter eggs” actually had […]

Civilized Cat Toilet Training

Civilized Cat Toilet Training

Would you let your guests crap in a box on your floor? No? Then why would you let your cats? Here’s how to get them using the toilet like civilized members of the family. Aside from the risks of toxoplasmosis and other diseases transmitted by cat feces, there’s significant labor for the owner involved in […]

Felted iPod Cozy

Felted iPod Cozy

As a weaver and knitter, I love felting. Turning wool into felt is an exciting process in which the airy light fleece radically transforms into a dense material. Also, felting provides near-instant gratification compared to the pace of other fiber arts. This project will teach you the ancient art of felt making while showing you […]