Duct tape

Rocket-Propelled Toy Car

Rocket-Propelled Toy Car

This toy car, made from LEGOs, is powered by a blown-up balloon and uses the principle of rocket propulsion.

Popsicle Stick Switch

Popsicle Stick Switch

A momentary contact Single Pole Single Throw (S.P.S.T.)
switch that is based on a Popsicle Stick. It is easy to build and the builder learns how a switch works.

Wilderness Emergency Bag

Wilderness Emergency Bag

In a survival situation, a small backpack that can transform to different uses besides simply carrying items will help your odds of survival. Here are instructions for making a lightweight and durable multi-use survival bag.

Waterskin Canteen

Waterskin Canteen

Hi, all! This is my tutorial on how to make your very own waterskin! As a kid, hiking through the Rockies, Appalachia and the Alps, I always loved to carry a waterskin instead of a canteen, mainly because it’s easy to handle and not made of rock-hard plastic. Traditional waterskins were made of cow bladders […]

Vintage TV Coffee Table

Vintage TV Coffee Table

I used the time it took to get both my internet and my computer fixed to create my largest project so far.

Garden Hose Snorkel

Garden Hose Snorkel

This guide shows how to create a snorkel that can connect to a garden hose so you can breathe underwater. And DO NOT make it without the check valve, or you will end up breathing the CO2 back in. =) It costs $18 without the snorkel/masks and hose.