
Use Staples as Breadboard Jumpers

Use Staples as Breadboard Jumpers

Recently, we’ve been brainstorming ideas for a breadboarding workshop to put on at Maker Faire and other events. Hoping to save participants the tedium of cutting and stripping their own jumper wires (and the cost of providing readymade jumpers) we hit on the idea of using staples. I first read about this hack on Instructables, […]

Rok-Bak Chair

Rok-Bak Chair

Make a chair that’s comfortable, looks good, reclines, disassembles for compactness and portability, and can be made from just a single sheet of plywood.

Take a Hidden Picture

Take a Hidden Picture

Take a picture is a fine-art project by artists Brad Blucher and Kyle Clements. In the exhibit, the human eye see is only able to see blank surfaces (in our case, blank canvases). People walk up to the show space and see blank canvases hanging on the wall. They see absolutely nothing, then make some […]