Laser-Triggered Fire-Breathing Pumpkin Prank
This project can be built entirely from parts available at Radio Shack and your local hardware store.
This project can be built entirely from parts available at Radio Shack and your local hardware store.
Carl von Linde was dead tired. The eminent engineer, considered the father of the modern refrigerator, had just returned to his home in Germany from a lecture tour that took him to, among other places, Malaysia. This being the late 19th century, the voyage had taken months. Von Linde had seen and learned much during […]
Stray pins can be a dangerous matter, especially to those who share your craft space. While many people have the luxury of a separate craft room, I like to be out where the action is. Fortunately, I haven’t yet shared my pincidents with others, but I can’t deny that there have been some close calls. […]