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“Squaring the circle” is a mathematical challenge as old as geometry itself. The “Cube Orb” LED sphere inverts that goal and takes it to a new dimension.
The Scientific Revolution was a momentous time. Most historians of science agree that during this era — 1500 to 1700 CE — people started thinking differently, more scientifically, about the way the world worked.
Want to build your own battle robot?
If you were on YouTube in June 2021, there’s a good chance you were recommended the video “Rare Antique Fractal Vise [Restoration]” by Hand Tool Rescue. The video showed a unique vise patented in 1913, and for most of us, it was like nothing we had ever seen (below).
In the summer of 2015, I went to my first Maker Faire, in Tokyo, Japan.
Vintage Gibson electric guitars had a special circuit for modifying the sound of the pickups: the Vari Tone (Figure A).
The sector, also known as the compass of proportion, is a fun and easy-to-use calculating device that uses the power of geometry to perform a variety of useful math jobs. Although at first glance a sector might seem as quaint and old-school as a slide rule, it can do at least a few maker-style jobs better, faster, […]
In times like these you learn to … lather up. Everybody needs hand hygiene, everywhere.
Most of us have experienced power outages. While brief interruptions are unpleasant, lengthy outages that can occur after severe weather, forest fires, and earthquakes can cause loss of food stored in refrigerators and freezers unless a backup generator is available.
Isaac Newton developed calculus back in the mid-1600s as a tool to explain physical phenomena, in particular the motions of planets. As it turned out, it was also a way to encode how things move and change more generally, from economies to populations of rabbits and foxes.
Cut, join, and weave bamboo to make
a beautiful shiorido tea garden gate.
Supercapacitors are among the coolest of so-called passive electronic components. Because they are ultra-high-capacity capacitors, they can function as batteries capable of being very rapidly charged and briefly powering many electronic circuits and even small motors with bursts of power.
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