Built in the Bay: MAKE at the Commonwealth Club of California
What happens when we bring a 3D printer to San Francisco’s financial district?
What happens when we bring a 3D printer to San Francisco’s financial district?
Shapeways announces the opening of a Factory of the Future in Long Island City, Queens. And Mayor Bloomberg announces the launch of New York’s Next Top Makers competition.
This morning the startup Formlabs announced a new entry in the 3D Printer market: the Form 1. The Form is based on the stereolithography method of printing by directing a laser at a tray of liquid resin to harden each layer. The print resolution seems to compare favorably with with plastic extrusion based printers, with […]
If you’re ready to purchase, the Maker Shed will have 3D printers for sale at World Maker Faire. In addition to some MakerBot Replicator 1 Dual Extruder models, we’ll also have the Ultimaker and Printrbot for you to take home that day.
What’s the best way to get started 3D modeling? PopMech likes Tinkercad.
I’m absolutely amazed by Markus Kayser’s Solar Sinter Project, a 3D printer that uses the sun for power and sand as its raw material: In a world increasingly concerned with questions of energy production and raw material shortages, this project explores the potential of desert manufacturing, where energy and material occur in abundance. In this […]
We’ve previously posted about Junior Veloso’s liquid resin 3D printer, which uses a DLP projector beneath a bath of resin to cure an object into its appropriate shape. Junior is reporting a huge gain in resolution from multiple improvements in the design. From our friends at Hack A Day: He’s keeping most of the juicy […]