
Ask MAKE on Christmas day!

Ask MAKE on Christmas day!

KitsOk, I’m going to try out a bit of experiment on Christmas day inspired by the “Call for Help-a-thons” – post up any and all questions about setting up your new computer, protecting a PC from viruses/spyware before letting the kids online, iPods, converting videos, PSPs – anything you happen to need help with. I’ll check the messages and answer them and/or do a Skype/Gizmo/Instant message session. Most folks won’t be at their computers and online, but if you’re reading and need a hand with your tech, post up and let us know. Lastly, if you didn’t get MAKE for the holidays and want a free copy of MAKE (digital edition) read the comments…


MAKEbot…testing, 1, 2, 3…

Makebotguy-1Ok, we think most of the logistics have been solved with our AOL Instant Message bot, the MAKEbot. The MAKEbot delivers the best of, Flickr, Instructables and all via your buddy list. Click here to add the MAKEbot to your buddy list, then type help for a list of commands or just click here to subscribe. I’m also trying out this AIM code – it should tell you the status of the MAKEbot right in this post, so let’s see how it goes…There should be a little icon here –> . If there is, click’em and add’em. Lastly, the MAKEbot has a secret code if you can figure it out, it gives you a discount on MAKE and our new book Makers.

Emerging Telephony…

Emerging Telephony…

BirdsLike VoIP hacks and all things telephony? Check out out O’Reilly’s new Emerging Telephony site – ETel for short – “…covering VoIP, Asterisk, voice and mobile applications, as well as the policy and regulatory issues that impact these important technologies. In addition to daily blogging and the exclusive in-depth articles you’ll find here, we’ll be spotlighting the new related O’Reilly books, like Switching to VoIP and Asterisk: The Future of Telephony and Skype Hacks. We’ll have these authors chiming in on the blog from time to time, too.” Link.

Two-Dimensional Food…

Two-Dimensional Food…

11Two.184Coming soon, edible MAKE? Mmmm, roboty… “A picture may be worth a thousand words, but is it dinner? At Chicago’s trendy Moto restaurant, it is: a 20-course tasting menu can begin with “sushi” made of paper that has been printed with images of maki and wrapped around vinegared rice and conclude with a mint-flavored picture of a candy cane. Should you fail to finish a course, Homaro Cantu, Moto’s executive chef, will emerge from the kitchen with a refund: a phony dollar bill flavored to taste like a cheeseburger and fries.” [via] Link. (Also check out The Year in Ideas).

Best Products Of 2005…

Best Products Of 2005…

LaunchBusinessWeek has a round up of the best products of 2005, lots of good stuff – “Wow, what a year! In 2005 the business world moved to the music of innovation. There were more revolutionary changes in more markets sparked by more breakthrough ideas than at any time since, well, the golden ’90s. Admit it: Despite being overworked and dog-tired, you had fun.” Link. MAKE made the list too!