Homebrewing and Arduino: the perfect recipe
One of the common past times in the home-brewing community is the self-building and DIY of the equipment need for beer production in all steps. All that needs is some added Arduino.
One of the common past times in the home-brewing community is the self-building and DIY of the equipment need for beer production in all steps. All that needs is some added Arduino.
Believe it or not, this simple-looking prototype board was the original Arduino that has since become “the brains of maker projects” around the world.
Your guide to navigating the increasingly crowded landscape of microcontrollers.
Learn the difference between I/O pins, ports, and processors.
The MicroView is Arduino compatible—and a member of the Arduino at Heart program—but it doesn’t share that classic form factor. It’s a tiny chip-sized, breadboard compatible, Arduino with a built-in OLED display.
Two tickets to (Arduino) paradise await the lucky winner!
Sometimes finding the right snippet of code to use in your Arduino sketch is as simple as reading the Monday Jolt on the MAKE site.