
This Automatic Window Closer Senses Loud Locomotives

Ed Rogers lives next to active train tracks, which leads to a lot of noise in his bedroom when a train passes and the windows are open. Like any good maker, Ed solved his problem with a homebrew automatic window closer. He attached a pair of linear actuators to the windows with 3D printed brackets. These actuators are controlled by an Arduino with an H bridge and can be activated by a button on his nightstand. Not only that, but the project also integrates a motion detection system to close the windows automatically when a train is passing.

New in the Maker Shed: ProtoSnap Pro Mini

New in the Maker Shed: ProtoSnap Pro Mini

The ProtoSnap, from the Maker Shed, is an Arduino compatible development platform for teaching the basics of Arduino programming efficiently. It requires no assembly, wiring, or soldering, so you can jump right into programming. Control LEDs, buzzers, light sensors, and more. There’s even a small prototyping space so you can add your own circuits. Once you have a firm grasp of the programming, you can snap off the individual components of the ProtoSnap for use in future projects.