RakuChord Mobile like a pocket electric accordian
Over at MAKE: Japan, Takumi Funada found this fun-looking open source hardware instrument called RakuChord Mobile.
Over at MAKE: Japan, Takumi Funada found this fun-looking open source hardware instrument called RakuChord Mobile.
Check out this handy DTMF remote control interface from EmilioFicara. Turn relays on and off with sound.
Ed Baafi has been working up Modkit, a great new interface that combines the language Scratch with the ability to write programs for the Arduino. Like Scratch, Modkit provides the user with clickable and expandable code blocks. When you have the program the way you want it, you send it down to your Arduino board and test it out. All those fussy semicolons and syntax are handled automatically, no typing required.
[W]e are introducing further microcontroller alternatives into the Fritzing ecosystem. In the new release, due tomorrow, you will already get this sweet array of choices. Besides the Arduino and its variants Mega and Nano, you can now use Modified’s pico, mbed, Wiring and Wiring Mini, Basic Stamp, Propeller
Prototyping systems such as Arduino use a bootloader to make it easier to upload programs to them.
The folks over at Gadget Factory have implemented an Arduino-compatible avr8 processor on an FPGA, called the Butterfly Wiring-Arduino IDE.
Jen Savage of Alpha One Labs combined her software and sewing skills to make this SparkL Motion ribbon necklace.