
Yet another pet feeder project

I love this video that Andres Leon did with parts he got from adafruit. Limore writes: Sometimes we wonder what folks do with the Xbees and kits we sell, and sometimes we get to see the fantastic project, like this one! Arduino-based laser controlled wireless automatic cat food dispenser. Arduino-based laser controlled wireless automatic cat […]

Blimpduino and UAV at Maker Faire

Chris Anderson demonstrates the systems of the BlimpDuino. The Blimpduino kit is a very low cost, open source, autonomous blimp kit. It consists of an Arduino-based blimp controller board with on-board infrared and ultrasonic sensors and an interface for an optional RC mode, a simple gondola with two vectoring (tilting) differential thrusters, and ground-based infrared […]

Bring your USB drives to Maker Faire!

Bring your USB drives to Maker Faire!

Make: television and ShareBrained Technology and are excited to feature the Make: television Vending Machine at Maker Faire, May 30 and 31. Bring your USB drive (over 512mb) and download episodes Make: television using a handmade custom user interface. Jared Boone of ShareBrained Technology along with fellow makers at Dorkbot PDX are creating an awesome […]