
Use bike tubes to store batteries

Use bike tubes to store batteries

Quick, simple and handy Instructable on using bike tubes to store batteries – also good to check out, 1,000+ uses of bike tubes. Related: Bike tube rubber bands, a one minute project, bike tube rubber bands. HOW TO – Bicycle Frame Protection. Clever instructable for protecting and camouflaging your bike using an old innertube…

DIY mobile multi-charger

DIY mobile multi-charger

Mark and Juliette McLean bicycled their way from Liverpool to Australia. The trip took almost 2 1/2 years to complete and they traveled over 24,000 km. During the trip Mark charged his laptop and batteries via his bicycle. It is a great solution for his mobile power needs. To keep the lights on and the […]

Bike boats!

Bike boats!

Steve @ Dinosaurs and Robots writes – I’m introducing my kids to the ancient sport of Unlimited Bicycle Hydroplane Street Racing. Traditionally, these boats were in built in July and August with wood scavenged from suburban construction sites and cobbled together by unsupervised kids who borrowed their dads tools and made their own fun. Traditional […]

Carbon C-thru bike frame

Carbon C-thru bike frame

Martin wrote in to point us toward this amazing carbon fiber bike frame from Brano Meres – During construction, all the beams were bonded together in the frame jig, with systematic and precise control of the position and alignment in the structure and the overall geometry of the frame. Once all carbon beams were bonded […]

Joyrider bike POV

Joyrider bike POV

Wow – ultracompact smiley bicycle spoke POV! Designer Moritz Waldemeyer has created Joyrider, a product that creates illuminated smiley faces on rotating bicycle wheels. Joyrider consists of two electronic devices that clip onto wheel spokes. They measure the speed of rotation and emit LED light to create the illusion of a stationary smiley face as […]