Cheat Sheet: CNC and 3D Printing Software Terms
Make sense of all the fabrication terms and acronyms.
Make sense of all the fabrication terms and acronyms.
Disney, in partnership with Carnegie Mellon, shows off very exciting software for creating 3D-printable robots.
Learn how to model sphere molds in CAD so that it minimizes undercut.
Public Knowledge’s Michael Weinberg translates the key legal principles regarding digital files, 3D printing, and intellectual property and breaks it down from a US legal perspective.
The chief executive at Autodesk obviously prepared this talk for kids, and he arrived at Maker Faire dressed for the part: wearing a baseball cap, t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Not what he wears when he’s talking to shareholders about fiscal year 2013. But Bass can pull it off: he has a marvelously casual style, and a real passion for making. The result: this is a fantastic primer on computer aided design (CAD) for kids — and for anyone who would like a very easy-going intro to some of the most basic, free tools and services available.
Autodesk announced today they’ve signed a deal to acquire Tinkercad and revive the popular web-based 3D design tool and its growing community of makers and educators.
Sketchfab, a website for uploading and sharing 3D models for free, is a great way to easily add an interactive element to your web content. Their model viewer can be embedded in almost any webpage, and they’re adding new features on a fairly regular basis. I caught up with co-founder Alban Denoyel to check in on their progress.