
Cellular Wall Printer

Cellular Wall Printer

Ever have the desire to print out a text message in large dot matrix lettering on a wall? If so, Liat Segal from Sweet Tech Studio has the device for you. Comprised of seven servo actuated felt markers controlled by an Android handset via an IOIO board, the Cellular Wall Printer allows you to manually […]

Android Controlled 3D Printed Slalombot

Android Controlled 3D Printed Slalombot

Walking, rolling, floating, and swimming among the packed crowd at the Google I/O afterparty were numerous robots autonomous and otherwise under the influence. If you were to drop by the Maker Faire booth you would have gotten the chance to try your luck at navigating the slalom course with Brian Jepson’s 3D printed Slalombot using an Android smartphone’s accelerometer.

Scotch Tape Renders Frosted Glass Clear

Scotch Tape Renders Frosted Glass Clear

OK, so, maybe the fact that, under vacuum, Scotch tape will emit enough hard x-rays to image the bones in your finger is slightly more impressive, but this is still a pretty cool trick. My off-the-cuff explanation: Glass is frosted because of tiny imperfections in the surface, which refract passing light a’whichaways. The tape adhesive fills ’em in and, because its outer surface is flat, the rays can pass through more or less straight again.