
Demystifying the alt=

Demystifying the $1 Kickstarter Pledge

Crowdfunding has become such an integral part of the maker experience that sometimes we forget how young of an idea crowdfunding reallly is (Kickstarter launched in 2009). Clearly, it’s a very powerful tool. One where the actual culture and norms of crowdfunding are still being defined. I was reminded of that last week, during a discussion I was having with a friend about the “appropriateness” of a $1 pledge.

Shadowrun, Atlantic City, and the ups and Downs of Kickstarter

Shadowrun, Atlantic City, and the ups and Downs of Kickstarter

Introducing the MAKE Crowdfund Fund. The MAKE Crowdfund Fund. We are putting up a chunk of money each month. We are going to nominate a set of active KS campaigns with a maker sensibility to them. We are going to ask you the readers to decide which one we should back. Whichever one you select, we’ll back at a level to get the primary product. If the project funds, and delivers, we’ll write up and shoot a whole un-boxing, testing, and tear-down sequence to report back on how good the end result was. We want to do our part in both supporting maker KS projects, and keeping them honest.