Let Them Eat Art
Chocolate couch by Leandro Erlich for an art-exhibit appropriately named “Let Them Eat Art”.
Chocolate couch by Leandro Erlich for an art-exhibit appropriately named “Let Them Eat Art”.
Great round up of election day “mash ups” from Jason at hackszine…. Aside from the politics, opinions, and issues involved in this election, I’ve been really interested in how the current state of web technology, survey data, online conversation and public information would be merging together into web applications and utilities for the growing digital […]
Aye, was a stale fall morn much like this … out on swell’d waters, me crew grew restless – even length tween home an port. Thar bein’ no manner of ale nor foe in sight, we went about scrapin’ the holds fer parts an took to a bit of makin’ an the like – HOW […]
Built with the LEGO NTX platform (plus PDA support processor), the Sundial Robot uses sensor data to calculate time of day the new/old-fashioned way – In operation, the robot rotates 360 degrees to calibrate the Compass Sensor. It then rotates in 5 degree increments, the light sensor is swept from vertical until the Touch Sensor […]