
Honduran High Schooler’s Low-Cost Eye-Controlled Interface

Honduran High Schooler’s Low-Cost Eye-Controlled Interface

Honduran teenager Luis Cruz, whose low-cost homebrew embedded video game system was featured in MAKE Vol 23, wrote in to let us know about his most recent project, a similarly low-cost prototype electrooculography (EOG) system, based on the ATmega328P, that allows people with motor disabilities to write text on a screen using only eye movements.

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Tactile Deep-Space Imagery For The Visually Impaired

Tactile Deep-Space Imagery For The Visually Impaired

NASA’s Amazing Space project has a monthly Tactile Astronomy feature that provides public-domain files for printing “feelable” versions of Hubble’s deep space photographs on special printers:

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Tip site for the handicapped

Tip site for the handicapped

Before my hip replacement surgery in 1999, I was sometimes relegated to a wheel chair. You cannot imagine what it feels like to give up your freedom of movement and your self-sufficiency. And you cannot imagine the joy and sense of independence you reclaim when you get some ability back, through an assistive device or […]

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